Low Vision Tip Calculator




This app is specifically designed for visually impaired users. It can be used with or without Talkba...

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This app is specifically designed for visually impaired users. It can be used with or without Talkback and its verbal prompts. This app can be used for one or multiple payers as a tip and split calculator. Large print and large keys are helpful to see and type correct numbers. Voice assistance makes it easy to navigate through the app for users with visual impairment or low vision. This intuitive app can be used for a single payer or when multiple people are splitting (dividing) the bill equally. It can be used to compute tips in many situations, for example, after a meal or drinks in a restaurant, delivery of pizza or other food, a taxi ride and delivery of groceries or medicines. The app makes it easier to calculate tip for many low vision users, including some legally blind users. Large print may enable users to use this app without reading glasses or other visual aids.Since the app does not use any particular currency, it can be used in any country that uses the Western Arabic numerals and a decimal point as a decimal separator. For example, the app can be used by English speakers in the United States (USA), Canada, Mexico, Dominican Republic, the United Kingdom (UK), Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, England, Scotland, Israel, Egypt, Malaysia, Singapore, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and The Philippines. Users in many other countries, such as, Argentina, Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, parts of Canada, Germany, Greece, Italy, Indonesia, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, Spain and Sweden, who usually use decimal comma as a decimal separator, can use this app by replacing the comma with a period (point). For example, they can use the app successfully by entering 35.74 instead of 35,74.How to use the app:1. On the welcome screen, tap the welcome button to hear the welcome message and tap forward arrow (Next) button to proceed.2. On the bill screen, tap the bill instructions button to hear the instructions (if needed). Enter the bill amount, for example, type 25.68 or a whole number, such as, 47, press enter or done and tap the forward arrow to proceed.3. On the tip screen, tap the tip instructions button to hear the instructions (if needed). Enter the tip percent, for example, for a 15% tip, type 15, press enter or done and then tap the forward arrow.4. On the payer screen, tap the payer instructions button to hear the instructions (if needed). Enter the number of payers. If multiple people are dividing (splitting) the bill equally, type the number of people. For a single payer type 1 or leave blank, press enter or done and then tap the forward arrow to proceed. 5. The app will show the tip amount and total amount. When there are multiple payers, the app will also show bill amount, tip amount and total amount per person in an easy to read format. The user can choose to round the amounts to the nearest whole number.6. On the next screen, tap the "Share App" button to share the app with other people. Tap the "Rate App" button to rate the app on Google play store. Tap the "Restart" button to start over.